Coin Information

We will be posting new coin information as we receive it from Coin World, the ANA, and other sources. 


​​Welcome to the Official Site of The Ocala Coin Club!

February 2025 ANA show to be in Atlanta. Show will be February 27 to March 1.

The cent and nickel of 2026 looks to be dual dated: 1776-2026

​The 2025 American innovation dollar for Florida and Texas will both look to have space themes on them. 

2024 date American Eagles have been released and are now on the open market.

​The mint director, Ventris C. Gibson has signed 250 COA to be inserted randomly into some Harriet Tubman 3 coin proof sets.

​The U.S. Mint and the British Royal Mint Chief engravers worked together to make a coin design showing liberty and Britannia on 1 side of a coin. this design will be used by both countries on coinage this year.

​​December 13, Us Mint starts to strike the greatest Generation commemorative coins.

December 4, Gold sets a new record high: $2,152.

​U.S. Mint begins to strike Harry Tubman Silver Dollars. 

ANA  Museum exhibit "History of Money" wins the 2023 award for museum technology. 

The BEP is working on a tactile device on the new $10 note set for a 2026 release.

The Canadian Mint has released the new King Charles design coinage. 

The mint is designing a coin for the Olympic hand off from Paris in 2024 to Los Angeles in 2028. the medals will be given to Paris as an official gift. Each olympic hand over the new host country makes a gift to give the preceding country. 

A new coin show to appear in Tampa... but you have to wait until September 11-14 2024 
Amos publishing (coin world magazine) will start an inaugural coin and collectors show in Tampa on September 2024.
​The inaugural Great American Coin and Collectibles Show ( will be held at the Tampa convention center.   The show will be simi-anual with show 2 in March of 2025 location not known yet. 
More info as it becomes available.

FUN board of directors elections is in full swing. If you are a FUN member you should have received your voting sheets. Make sure you fill out your sheets and mail them back. 

​The U.S. Mint is looking at 21 "classic" designs (from 1792-2017) for use in our 2026 coinage marking the countries Semiquincentennial or 250 years.  To vote on the design you like go to the U.S. Mint.

​CDN publishing (gray sheet) buys Whitman publishing (publisher of the Redbook).  What are your thoughts for both the Redbook and the Greysheet moving forward?

2024 Quarter release dates:        January 2  Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray             March 25  Patsy Takemoto Mink                   
         June 3  Dr. Mary Edwards Walker          August 12  Celia Cruz             October 21  Zitkalaz-Sa.